A bit of background for the first one................We have a friend called John and he's a Yorkshireman although he has lived down here for more than 30 years. We all use the same social club and John is a wind up merchant.
There is a fellow at the club who is rather large and round so John calls him a Dorset Dumpling and John gets called a Yorkshire Pudding............It's all in good fun!
So John wanted a card with a Dorset Dumpling hammering a Yorkshire Pudding for Tony's birthday. The only way I could do it was to draw the dumpling myself, but I think I've met his criteria.

The next one is also for John......he wanted a Dandy Bike and a sign post with Weymouth and Dorset on.............What he doesn't realise the hours and hours it takes to find all these images.
They are getting more and more bizarre.

This is also a strange request.........I've never heard of anyone sending a card to a new Aunty....but she must have her reasons! A card you could never buy in the shops!!