I've got my first ever blog award!!!!! Thank you so much Louise Emma. She is a lovely lady with a heart of gold, and makes some brilliant cards too. Visit her blog here
http://the-lou-natic-asylum.blogspot.com/This award states that:This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY- nearness in space, time and relationships.These blogs are exceedingly charming.These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends,They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement.Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated,Please give more attention to these writers.
The award also states that I have to award it to 8 more blogs.
So here goes. I don't know whether these bloggers have had the award before, but I think you all deserve it.
http://thecazzbar.blogspot.com/ Cazz has had crisis after crisis of late, More than anyone's fair share.........But she has picked herself up and is getting on with her life again. Well done you! And she makes beautiful cards too.
http://www.calbri.blogspot.com/ Cal is a fellow hairdresser and is also a cardmaker. She has been very busy lately making all the invites for her nieces wedding. You deserve an award for that alone!
http://jackie-cardcorner.blogspot.com/ And last but not least Jackie.............I love reading her blog. She comes up with some great cards, but her sense of humour is next to none. I know for a fact you have already got one or even two award already but I could Not give you an award, Thanks for making me laugh!
There were plenty of people on the imag-e-nation forum who deserves awards but they don't have blogs!
Our Marjie..........Janeygrey.........Chorley Cake........Karen Jenkins.........to name but a few.
Then there are all the ones Louise Emma nominated..............I didn't want to nominate the same ones..........but they all deserve it, especially Lou.